BREEDER DIRECTORYThe American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club®, a.k.a. APONC™ does not endorse any breeders listed here, nor make any claim(s) or representation as to the health or quality of any of the dogs/puppies. Whenever purchasing a puppy or dog, we encourage you to conduct research, talk to many breeders, and ask a lot of questions. click here for: Currently Available Puppies Polish Lowland Sheepdog Breeders:
California:Faraci, Mim Ponavie PONs, San Francisco, CA Phone: (650) 533-2216 e-mail: Ponavie PONswebsite: www.ponavie.comCabral, Beverly and Martin Stonebrook PONs,San Diego County, CA Phone: (760) 716-0862 e-mail: Stonebrook PONswebsite:www.stonebrookkennels.comIllinois:Hirata, Magdalena Swan Crest PONs, Libertyville, IL Phone: (425) 260-9005 e-mail: Swan Crest PONswebsite: www.swancrestpons.comKorzeniowska, MargaretTramperus, Prospect Heights, IL Phone: (847) 612-2897 e-mail: Tramperus PONswebsite: www.tramperus.comHyndman, Eva and DougHouse Of PON, Prospect Heights, IL Phone: (847) 372-3584 or (847) 477-4659email: House Of PonNew Jersey: Maciagiewicz, MargaretViva Polonia PONsPhone: 609-384-1771e-mail: Viva Polonia PONsFacebook: PON Viva PoloniaNorth Carolina:Dulin, Martin & Janet